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Part of
Esland Group

  • Curriculum

    Bespoke, collaborative and effective

    Our Turning the Curve™ curriculum is designed to give students a personalised education plan. Its aim is to help them make good academic progress while they work towards the outcomes set out in a range of plans, depending on their needs, such as PEPs (Personal Education Plan) for those students living in care, Education, Health, and Care Plan (EHCP) or simply those set by the school.

    We work collaboratively with our students to put together their curriculum plans and review them every term to ensure they’re fulfilling their needs.

    The three streams

    There’s no one size fits all, so we offer three different curriculum models, all of which ensure students make progress from their individual starting points.

    The Stepping Stones curriculum

    This curriculum is aimed at key stage 2 or entry level learners, and it focuses on helping students learn to read, write, and communicate, alongside gaining skills in mathematics. 

    These core skills are embedded in broader curriculum opportunities that provide focus and challenge, deepening their knowledge and understanding of the world and enhancing how they communicate with it.


    English and mathematics

    PE (physical education), PSHE (personal, social, health and economic), computing and science

    Humanities and RE (religious education)

    Creative arts

    The Elements curriculum

    The Elements curriculum is aimed at key stage 3 learners studying the national curriculum. It covers the core subjects, alongside themed projects which add depth and breadth to a student’s knowledge to prepare them for key stage 4.


    English and mathematics

    PE, PSHE, employability, computing, and science

    Learning projects:

    Humanities, RE and creative arts

    Futures curriculum

    Our Futures curriculum at key stage 4 and 5, is aimed at learners who join us post 14 years old and have often spent significant periods of time out of school.

    The aim of the Futures curriculum is to prepare them for life beyond school whilst gaining accreditation in the core subjects.

    We offer a range of vocational opportunities during our Futures curriculum, and this includes links with local colleges.  


    English and mathematics

    PE, PSHE, employability, computing, and science


    Humanities, creative arts, or college-links vocational course


    Enquire about our school