The safeguarding of our young people is our top priority, and it underlines all our decisions. If you’d like to find out more about our approach, you can request a copy of our Child protection and safeguarding policy by emailing
See it. Report it.
We encourage anyone to speak up if you spot something that doesn’t seem right. We take all concerns seriously, and you can be confident they’ll be dealt with swiftly.
To raise a concern, you can email us at
Alternatively, you can contact AAB People, an independent whistleblowing reporting service.
Their phone number is 0800 026 0477
All calls are confidential, and you can remain anonymous, too.
To file a web report click here.
Once you’ve reported your concerns, AAB People will notify us via a secure email, which will trigger an immediate review. They’ll also keep you updated on how your issue is progressing.
If you spot something that is not right, do not be afraid to raise it. You can be confident in knowing you will be taken seriously.
You can report a concern via our internal whistleblowing email at
Our Whistleblowing Hotline* can be contacted on 0800 026 0477
To file a web report click here.
AAB People* will take down a written summary of your concern. They will then notify the us by secure email and we will commence a review. You can also see how your issue is progressing.
To access our latest Whistleblowing policy, please email
So speak up. Don't assume someone else will.